
Sunday, September 28, 2014

♪ It's the Circle of Nerds, and it moves us all ♪

Hello Nerds!
          Today I think I’ll talk about how I go about being a nerd (and yes, how my parents and teachers put up with it)!

          First off, I try to make friends in every kingdom of the Nerd world, be that Manga, Comics, Movies, Games, you name it. The nice thing about my position being a high school student is that I have a never ending world of diversity at my finger-tips, not to mention the students who study under them… yes I do in fact me the goofiest, rowdiest, funniest, insane-ist, weirdest people to walk the earth, that’s right you guessed it: THE TEACHERS.
          The teachers are the elders of the Nerd world, they carry with them experiences and knowledge from their youth, education, and college years, and in the real world, where as we only have the education and youth going for us. Hopefully you’re friends with your teachers, I now I am, in fact I think I have a Nerd crush on my Geometry teacher (he’s just so cool), and even if you aren’t friends with them, try to observe them in the halls talking to one another. You’ll often find that they joke around, tell funny jokes, and be just like teenagers around each-other. To paraphrase Ben Kanobi: you will never find such scum and villainy, just replace scum with pranksters and you have yourself a teacher’s lounge my friends; filled with plotting, scheming, and studying  the students every move in which they report to the head Nerd of the lounge, to think up ways to prank us, deceive us, and ultimately humiliate us. My people.   
So the next time you see a teacher talking real close to another teacher, pray that they overlook you in their master plan of villainy. Be afraid, be very afraid.
          On to the students: We have a very small involvement in the Nerd world right now, think of us like the peasants or fifes to the Manor’s Lord. We do the back breaking work, so that one day we can step up to take the torch, and educate the younglings until such a time we deem fit to pass it along. We have much to learn, but fear not, Nerds always win, anyways.
Resistance is futile

Word count: 379

Nerd Kingdom!

Hello Nerds!
            It’s gneiss to see you again!
I think every week will basically follow the Tuesday, Sunday blog posting until Marching Band stops, and I’ll have my Saturdays to myself again (Yay!)
Today I have an idea of what I want to talk about, though it might end up being multiple small strands of information, again I apologize because Saturdays!
            Nerds, in my opinion bring people together more than tear them apart; they create social groups wherever they are, whether they inhabit schools, villages, cities, shacks, and neighborhoods. Nerds (especially kids) since the invention of the baseball-card, you always see in movies around twenty to thirty years ago, kids finding and trading baseball cards. This was the birth of the social interaction which many nerds are experts at today. This as you know, is not linked only to baseball-cards, but Magic the Gathering Cards, Pokémon Cards, and many more ‘Cards’. There are nerd groups in everything, not just comics, movies and the sort, there are also Art nerds, making elaborate origami, sculptures from toothbrushes, dresses from Kool-Aid packets, and everything else from A to Z. Nerds of Science go and do little experiments, although I won’t give examples because odds are you have at one point in your life watched “The Big Bang Theory”, liked or not. Women and occasionally men would start book clubs, where they, the nerds of literature, read and analyze books; the list goes on and on.
            My point of all of this is that Nerds build a natural habitat by seeking out others to live around, and occasionally find a mate (hopefully) in which to spawn the next generation of Nerds. We seek out others to converse with, and grow with, and sometimes we stumble upon a new lump of clay to mold, to shape in our image, expanding the possibilities of the future of the Nerd race. I remember my mentor; he showed me many things, and I eventually wanted to impress him, so I started going on my own on a quest for knowledge, a never ending search for how to improve my Nerdiness. Therefor I challenge you: Look out in the world today and see how many different types you can see, they are usually sitting together, in a game together, or conversing together, whatever, just look and see if you can find more than what meets the eye, and I’d bet you’ll be pretty amazed.
Resistance is futile
Word Count: 410