
Sunday, October 5, 2014

E = MacCheese (and how the world is fueled by Nerds)

Hello Nerds!
            I love you, you people are the best! You are in no way in short supply, and you always come up with the best ideas, do the most dangerous things in the name of science (or just to have fun getting hurt). Some of the greatest minds in History were nerds, George Washington went to Army Play as a child, where he learned how to military and such (M & S…google it… are you done yet… good…I said that on purpose… now laugh!!! *evil laugh*> I’m so alone *sniffle*). Now…what was I talking about, OH Yes! Nerds of history, another was Albert Einstein, who was a famous Physicist, who was famous for his E=Mc Squared theory, which to me looks like Everyday = McDonalds, and I’d bet he would eat there if there was on in Germany or even the United States, but they weren’t that popular back then. Nerds are everywhere in every time, just look at the Doctor: He’s the most nerd you will ever find, nine hundred years wrapped up in a nice bow(tie).
            The nerd is as you may know a hard worker, for instance to maintain a good standing in my education I am currently writing these at 11:15 Sunday night, and after I’m done have a book to finish, do a report on, history work, and then go to bed. Now you may be saying to yourself  “hmm, this person is clearly a procrastinator who should have done things Friday or Saturday so that he wouldn’t be in such a rush” and one (me) might retort: A. You’re damn right that I’m a procrastinator, it’s just how I am, and I work much more efficiently against a clock.  B. I was gone all of Saturday at a Marching Band event, and Friday is my day off, everybody needs one, (if you’re religious then I’ll pull this one card on you: GOD NEEDED A DAY OFF). C. I like being a good student so no I will not simply go to bed as if I had given up, since sixth grade I’ve stayed up as long as I’ve needed to get my work done, and it’s worked pretty well so far.  
            So what’s my point to all of this: Nerd’s, keep being awesome the way you are, keep working hard, and never stop working or giving in, because when you do, the Borg win.
            Resistance = Mc futile
Word Count: 407

Be Loving and Open-hearted With My Emotions ( ya know........)

Hello Nerds!
            Nerds lead a pretty tough life, and I don’t mean with the ridicule that sometimes plagues our existence, rather I refer to our intense emotions, and yes I will talk about my feelings for once for the world to see.
            Hi, my name is Leif, and emotions get the best of me, and they may get the best of you, too. What does he mean “his emotions get the best of him”? Well, what I mean is that when I’m taken with someone, when they’re sad I’m devastated. I cried for a solid ten or twenty minutes when David Tennant’s Doctor died… it still is sad to this day. I cried when Harry from Spider-Man 3 died. I cried when Data died in Star Trek: Nemesis. All of these examples are times I’ve been emotionally hijacked.
            When I fail in life, or when I need to purge built up stress accumulated over months of life I watch sad YouTube deaths (my favorite and most effective is Cmdr. Spock’s death in Star Trek: Wrath of Kahn) or sad Hymns. This occurs around once every two, or three months, but that’s just me. What I would give to be a Vulcan, seriously.
            My emotions are lost on girls completely, too. I’ve fallen head over heels for girls who (while I am still good friends with) never thought of me that way, and it took months to get right again. My emotions guide me; they envelop me, and consume me. They get attached to people, and get so rooted in them that change leaves me devastated entirely. This first happened with Avatar: The last Airbender when the show ended with the kiss, and the pan out, as my mom says it was “the worst I’d ever seen you” and took “hours of comedy to calm me down”. When Lennie died in Of mice and Men I went into my room (this was several paragraphs before the death, actually) and read myself with a pillow handy to cry into; the pillow is a great tool for crying, another tip of mine. This hasn’t happened in a while, but it’s also the reason why I haven’t watched the last four episodes of Doctor Who on Netflix yet. I may relapse into a state in which would top the first crush of my life catastrophe by thousands. Emotions are a hassle, and they barely give enough to want to keep them, but I guess they’re necessary to be Human.
            Resistance is futile
Word Count: 418

GOTHAM!!!! (your liberation is here)

Hello Nerds!
I’ve been procrastinating again with my blogs, so to make it up to you all who have so patiently waited for them; I will be doing an analysis and thoughts of the new DC (Detective Comics) series entitled GOTHAM!!!!! So I think if you haven’t seen it already, you should watch this video Yes, the show that follows Jim Gordon, a new detective in the Gotham City Police Department, which is as you might have guessed, takes place in Gotham City before Batman. The show takes place roughly twenty or so years before Bruce Wayne comes back to Gotham after his life changing quest to become a master of…well…everything. I mean, is there anything that Bruce Wayne can’t do with all of the money, resources (both from Wayne Enterprise), and training that he went through studying under masters around the world (and no, R’as Al Guhl did not originally train Batman)!!!??? Batman studied around the world under countless mentors for years before he deemed himself ready for fighting crime in Gotham, and as the Nolan films (my favorite Batman movies… even though they changed lots of things that I didn’t particularly like, but they were still better than other movies) showed, he failed brutally in fighting Scarecrow at their first encounter. I think first I should reference you to Jim Gordon ( if you don’t know much about him, or if you just wanted to know more about him.
I’m very excited to start watching Gotham myself, although so far my studies have kept me from starting the new series. Once I catch myself up on school work (about six weeks of it), only then shall I find peace enough in my heart to watch a television show that would invoke my close attention. Many have recommended me to watch the show, and Arrow along with it, perhaps now I shall take them up on their offers.
I’m also excited to see where the show will take some of the pre-Origins villains we so love, such as Catwoman, The Riddler, Scarecrow (hopefully) and many more. There is also another character that we should all be excited to see: Jim Gordon. His early career was pretty exciting, and we’ll actually get to see him do some actual police work instead of trying to keep up with Batman. Come on man! Gordon gets paid to do this and you just gotta cop-block him! Sincerely, Leif Albertson. Well I think that pretty much wraps this one up.
Resistance is futile- oh and if you have no idea what that’s been about so far, here’s a video to explain it:
Word Count: 439