
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Outfit

Hello Gamers
Today’s a bit different.
Today I am wandering into the realm of the X Box, as I am currently a bit dry as far as content goes for my pc gaming blogs. But don’t fear my gaming adventure tales never end. No, no, today we talk about The Outfit. This was a great game my friend Austin and I played as kids in his basement. The Outfit is a WWII third person shooter that works very well and is quite simple to learn. This is the first time I realized that I had a talent for sniping at very large distances.
One map in particular, as Austin and I took our five man groups up a hill, we had to take cover before we started climbing the hill, actually. But I remember ducking behind some barrels, and waiting to see from good real life mile bad guys heads poking up. Without hesitation, without thinking, I knew when they would stand up (they weren’t hard to predict, it seemed like whenever then were about to get up, their head would shuffle a bit to one side, then the other, then they would get up, as if they were looking to see if the coast was clear from the others.
We ended up taking the hill quickly, me giving sniper support while Austin rushed the hill taking out their heavier gun placements. We were a good team. The game had three characters, a sniper with choice of Molotov cocktails that would light the area it broke at for several seconds, perhaps a half a minute. Another character, often Austins’ favorite, a rocket launcher with a command pistol and standard grenades. The third, the one neither of us liked was one with a semi auto machine gun with some other gun. This character wasn’t good because he couldn’t provide much other than mowing down lots of enemies, which we never encountered anyway.
We realized soon in that mixed with my strategic location on the map and Austins’ heavy artillery we could overcome hordes of enemies and tanks.
The game had this one great “cheat”, I say “cheat” because it only seemed like it at first. We were kicking lots of butt on this one tank mission that involved calling in air strikes to destroy this tank, there was no other way the mission would let us beat it, and Austin and I thought that we accidentally hit a cheat because our money read “9999” and no further because that’s as high as the meter went. I got a little trigger happy with the air strike function, which I will tell you were not inexpensive. I think I got about ten in and then the money counter dropped like a bag of rocks. We figured out that it didn’t stop at “9999”, only that it said it did.
We nearly beat the game together, I think we gave it up eventually though; we were getting bored of it and called it good. I would seriously recommend it for anyone who likes games about war, shooting games, or if you just are getting into gaming and don’t really know what your style is. Thanks for reading.
Resistance is Futile

Word Count 539

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Lego Star Wars Three

Hello Gamers!
Today will wrap up my Lego Star Wars series, ending with Lego Star Wars III, the clone wars, basically.
Now if you didn’t like the show Star Wars the Clone Wars, or the remake, or the movie remake, you may leave now…. Are they gone?....Good, we can get down to it then.
This video game, and the series behind it, have restored my faith in Star Wars so many times. Every fall since before I went into middle school it has kept me company at home, through thick and thin, no matter what on Friday night I could walk on my treadmill and relax while watching Star Wars the Clone Wars.
The game is exactly as good as the series, showing us the in depth battles we’ve always wanted, and somehow missed from the older video games.
IN this game, you can have all the fight you can take.  With new ways of Tower Defense, but on a three dimensional plane, you can fight the droids or clones with bases you capture yourself, and set up yourself.
You can play as anyone from the series, and are nearly limitless to what you can accomplish aboard your star cruiser.
Resistance is Futile

Word Count: 205 

Star Wars the Complete Saga

Hello Gamers!
Today I’d like to talk about Star Wars the complete saga!
The Complete saga is a mesh of the two before it, into one huge massive di-trilogy game, where anything is possible. Have the Emperor save himself from Count Dooku? Sure! Have Luke send his father on the path to becoming Lord Vader? Have at it. Not only can you have characters from different trilogies, you can have space battles and world battles with vehicles. This was the really cool part, not to mention every room had a special secret thing you could do in the center. Also, the outside of Mos Eisley never looked better! Large areas to mess around with, lawn mowers to move around with, and most importantly: the Legoville simulator located in the extra file. You can play as anyone, and go through a large scale town and blow things up, build things, destroy things, do whatever you like!
This game is by far my favorite game, from the characters to the advanced graphics; everything is awesome in this Lego world. 
When you’ve had enough messing about, you can always do fun, little extra missions like hide and seek, or I believe there were hunt missions available too, where you find a character in a level, then try to stop them any means necessary.
This is truly the ultimate game for those of you who love Star Wars games, and have a nostalgia for the older generation of gaming.
Resistance is Futile

Word Count 251

Lego Star Wars II

Hello Gamers!
Part 2 to my Lego Star Wars series will cover the second game, the prequel.
The Prequel game was twice as good as the first game, with even better game mechanics, and still great level design, you got to experience what happened before the Emperor came to power. This game brought us from little (soon to be orphan) Annie, to the powerful Lord Vader he will become.
This game follows suit with its predecessor, no talking, just visual story telling.
This game also had rare missions that weren’t used in the later Complete Saga, including the speeder chase from episode 2. I really liked this game because of the new atmosphere of Dex’s Diner, where as in the previous game you were limited to Mos Eisley Spaceport. The new game came with the same features as the one before it, althought I think it came with more extras and more cheats.

I really think that you can play the game at any age, the replay value is stunning, and I hope you’ve liked my coverage on the pre-modern Lego games. And I an excited to see what will happen with the franchise with Battlefront coming out soon.
Resistance is Futile
Word Count 197

Lego Star Wars Part One

Hello nerds!
My first memory on my ps2 was playing a great game called Lego star wars. In this game you chronicle the original space epic following silent Luke. I think the appeal of this game was the revolutionary way you could choose your own saga after you beat a level, namely relaying it as many times as you want, with whomever you want to do it with, and with extras and cheats (who said cheaters never prosper?). This game was also cool for its silent element which Lego followed suit with until Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes.
In this game, you start with R2D2, C3PO and Princess Leah on the Tantive IV, and you progress by movie all the way through the downfall of the Empire, or more correctly, the Emperor. The game never seemed to end, in a good way though. I could entertain myself for hours playing that game. It had great level design, and great character development- all without the aforementioned no silence you always see in games today.
The stunning graphics, gameplay, Lego building, and extra missions make this game a must play in my book.
Resistance is Futile

Word Count 182

Seventh hour stretch

Hello Gamers!
Have you ever played a game for so long, that you decided that you would move onto another game for a couple of days, weeks, or months? Well, if you have, you’re probably not alone. In fact I’ve had this sensation many times before, especially with MMO’s.
I find that if you immerse yourself in one game too much, it can ruin your mood in and out of game. It could lead to you not feeling that happy in real life, but that seems a bit extreme, still. I’ve found that there is one great solution to this: Biking. A little fresh air never hurt when clearing your head of all the problems you have, and with nice sunlight and fresh air, how could you not come back with a better mood?
Sure, you could just buy more games, and alternate. This is another great choice, but me- I’m in love with the outside. When I get groggy with a game, and it’s still sunny out, I’ll go explore far away neighborhoods. I usually start with going to my school, which is around 1.5-2 miles away from my house, and can get there in about a half an hour. Then I move onto another school about three miles away, which takes me about an hour, and return home. This equates to about five miles. After about two hours of biking and breathing fresh air, pumping blood faster- I’m ready to get back to gaming.
Another solution, one that works better for the nighttime, is to go on a stretch break, go to your living space, or any space where you are comfortable and won’t knock anything down. All you need is about a fifteen minute stretch break. I’m not talking full on yoga, unless you’d prefer that, knock yourself out. Just stretch your legs, pull out of your hips, make yourself as tall as possible, do neck rolls, trunk twists, toe touches, anything your heart desires. The point of this is to also get your heart pumping and blood flowing. This will help, and some water or tea wouldn't hurt after this either.
I hope these tips have helped you for the next time you want to marathon a game for hours on end.
Resistance is futile

Word Count: 382