
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Nerd Love (not by The Outfield)

Hello Nerds!
To a nerd, there is nothing more important than your trade, some of you game, some of you read, some of you do X Y and Z, whatever it is you do, I hope that you’re secondary objective is to find a significant other to share your gift with, be they a man or woman, I’ll let you decide. As a nerd, I find it difficult to bottle up my opinions, ideas, and complaints, and wish that I had someone to talk to about them, now I’m not complaining, I have very *cough* loving friends to talk to, but sometimes that’s not enough.
You should find another person that you truly connect with, and love, and who shares your trade. The worst thing you can do with your life is not showing off what you have a passion for around you! You HAVE to be the best you can be, and I also truly believe that you need to find someone who can be the same for you.
There is no excuse for not finding your significant other in your field, if you haven’t than be patient, your day will surely arrive, and you’ll meet the person of your dreams, and hopefully they’ll feel the same about you, too.
Nerds need love too, and sometimes you will find it in non-nerds, but it is truly special when you find another person as passionate about your topic as you are. When you find this person, do everything within your power to be with them, and hopefully they like you back, and you two can have an exponentially better life than if you two were living alone. No one should live alone, at least emotionally, you deserve happiness. Nerds are hard to love, and I believe that if you just be yourself, and nice of course, you will do fine.
This applies to all areas, all fields, and all trades. I’m a band kid, and if you’ve ever been a band kid, you’ll know that many band kids go off together in life eventually and get attached to other band kids. This is also true for nerds, finding that one special nerd to complete you.
I hope you all find what you’re looking for, and have a truly spectacular life with your nerdfriend.
Resistance is futile

Word Count: 388

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