
Saturday, November 8, 2014

Theatres, and some simple do's and don'ts

Hello Nerds!
Today I’d like to talk about some common things that I see, things that make you look bad in public, and you should probably avoid. Today’s blog: The movie theatre.
First off, silence your phone well before getting in the theatre, you don’t want to have to silence your phone in the dark, and people around you will appreciate the lack of white glare in a pitch black room. Also, if you think that too many people will be trying to contact you while in the movie theatre, you should either just shut it off, or leave it in your glove box. If you have a job that requires you to be “on call” like a medical job, or whatever, than you should leave your phone on, but on vibrate, then, should you be needed you can discretely leave the theatre, and not be the target of ridicule from others in the theater. Oh, P.S., if you do have your phone, put it deep in your pocket so that we don’t hear it falls throughout the movie. This should also go for any loose objects in your pants.
Secondly, make sure that you aren't in someone’s way; it’s not fair to the other people in the theater who got there before you to have someone sit in front of them, when that particular person is seven foot eleven. Try always to find a seat either at the top if you are gifted in the height department, or more simply not if front of anyone else.
Thirdly, try to have your food/drink all in order, and preferably in an organized manner when entering the theatre, this isn’t a rule, but it will certainly help you out, when you need a seat and the theatre is full of people.
Fourthly, have napkins. Napkins have a nearly universal application in the movie theatre. Constantly things are spilling, or you are eating and you need that cool drink to wash it down and the cup is wet from condensation, and what to you know – NO NAPKINS! They are very useful for every problem you’d ever have in a movie theater.
Fifth, be courteous. Try not to eat loudly; this is very annoying to those around you. When you have popcorn you really can’t help it, but still, don’t make it very apparent when the movie is in a quiet dialog scene. IF you can wait, do so, you won’t die from not eating popcorn for three minutes.
Six, don’t talk, and yes whispering too. Don’t talk during a movie, or whisper loudly, this is very distracting and you just look like a jerk for talking during a movie. Don’t be obnoxious, don’t talk loud at ANY part of the movie, and don’t make the nice worker kids escort you out of the theatre.
Well, I hope this list of things has opened your eyes to thing to do, and don’t in a theatre, this of course should apply to all Theatre, not just movie theatres.
Resistance is Futile

Word Count: 509

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