
Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Hello Nerds!
Being a nerd means that you pretty much never have free time, although it’s never the same. One day you may have ample amounts of time, and others you may be scrambling for ten minutes to work on well… work. I am no exception to this, and I have learned many tricks to time management as a nerd.
Years ago, when I became (albeit subconsciously) a nerd, I didn’t know much about how I could organize my time to do both things that I wanted to do, and do the things that were expected from me. Organizing can be challenging, and certainly it is a juggling act, trying to find time to watch your favorite show on Hulu, or Netflix, or your favorite YouTube game walkthrough player, playing that new video game that just came out, reading that last book of a trilogy so that you can talk about it with your friends the next day, is difficult when you have a good three hours of work ahead of you, and I face this problem every day.
My trick, is this: When you have work to do, you should prioritize, meaning that you save what’s due later for last, and get the immediate work done up front, then move on from there. Some people like music playing while they do their work, some like the television going, and some like it quiet. All of these are perfectly fine, and I’d highly recommend that you find what works best for you.
When you find what works best for you, you may find yourself in a grove that will help you get through your work faster, this is when you know that it truly works for you. When you have hours of work to do, this strategy will help get it done faster, make the time seem to go faster, and even improve the quality in some cases.
I personally like to put Netflix on in the background when I do my paperwork when I get home, some nights I prefer YouTube. The plan you have for yourself is what you want it to be, and is subject to change at your leisure.
Organizing your time can be difficult, and it’s certainly difficult to find time to do what you love to do: Being a nerd. But hopefully this post helped you think of some ideas on how you can improve your work schedule to leave more time for whatever it is that you do.
Resistance is Futile
Word Count: 421

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Nerd Love (not by The Outfield)

Hello Nerds!
To a nerd, there is nothing more important than your trade, some of you game, some of you read, some of you do X Y and Z, whatever it is you do, I hope that you’re secondary objective is to find a significant other to share your gift with, be they a man or woman, I’ll let you decide. As a nerd, I find it difficult to bottle up my opinions, ideas, and complaints, and wish that I had someone to talk to about them, now I’m not complaining, I have very *cough* loving friends to talk to, but sometimes that’s not enough.
You should find another person that you truly connect with, and love, and who shares your trade. The worst thing you can do with your life is not showing off what you have a passion for around you! You HAVE to be the best you can be, and I also truly believe that you need to find someone who can be the same for you.
There is no excuse for not finding your significant other in your field, if you haven’t than be patient, your day will surely arrive, and you’ll meet the person of your dreams, and hopefully they’ll feel the same about you, too.
Nerds need love too, and sometimes you will find it in non-nerds, but it is truly special when you find another person as passionate about your topic as you are. When you find this person, do everything within your power to be with them, and hopefully they like you back, and you two can have an exponentially better life than if you two were living alone. No one should live alone, at least emotionally, you deserve happiness. Nerds are hard to love, and I believe that if you just be yourself, and nice of course, you will do fine.
This applies to all areas, all fields, and all trades. I’m a band kid, and if you’ve ever been a band kid, you’ll know that many band kids go off together in life eventually and get attached to other band kids. This is also true for nerds, finding that one special nerd to complete you.
I hope you all find what you’re looking for, and have a truly spectacular life with your nerdfriend.
Resistance is futile

Word Count: 388

SAY "Star Trek" AGAIN ************ SAY "STAR TREK" AGAIN!!!!!!

Hello Nerds!

Today I’d like to discuss a strange misconception that plagues this (and many other) nations having to do with the "subtle" differences between pronunciations of "Star Trek" (there is only one correct way). When you say it one way, you will be applauded by many for saying it right, like an educated lad or lass you are, but if you say it the incorrect way, "trak" I hope you are 1) at least decent enough to correct yourself and apologize to the person you’re talking to, or 2) you get punched in the throat for making such deliberate fun of Star Trek, it’s not cool jocks!

Many people today will try to annoy someone, or just make fun of "Star Trek" by pronouncing it as "Star Trak", with an "a" sound instead of an "e" sound. For those of you who think that is funny, please stop… being a musician there is nothing more annoying than the wrong sound, and an "a" where an "e" should be is most definitely the WORST SOUND EVER, it’s like putting cat who’s startled and shrieks mixed with a car being smashed into a wall a dozen times… it’s not a pleasant sound.

Let’s say that you (the reader) really like this person, and they come up to you one day and say your name all wrong – completely butchering it like a new substitute teacher. You would be crushed, wouldn’t you? You’ve admired this person from afar and really want them to acknowledge you, they come up and your emotions run high, you begin to think "this is the day she says hi, and maybe I’ll look cool" and (being half right) your day is crushed!!!

Continuing on, let’s say that you thought you did really well on a maths test, but you get an F, but you know why you got the F, you know it wasn’t your fault because you did XY&Z the night before helping at your church or whatever, well now you’re a little angry inside, not at church but just angry

That’s the feeling we feel when people say "Star Trak" instead of "Star Trek", so please in the future, whenever you’re talking about "Star Trek", say it correctly, otherwise you just look dumb, and to the nerds around someone who does this: don’t give them the pleasure of getting your attention – just walk away and pretend it never happened, unless the person (usually a he) is being a jerk, then deck him (but not too hard, we need you’re precious hands to game with).

Resistance is Futile

Word Count: 434

STO REACHES LEVEL 60!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Nerds!
If any of you are Star Trek Online players, then you've probably seen the new hype about the lvl cap being altered in this past month to allow you to increase to lvl 60! Yes, this means new ranks, instead of being restrained to a vice admiralty you can now go as high as the chain goes: Fleet admiral (or the other title for Klingon characters, I don’t know that one). With this, you can now log thousands of more hours into your career that you never thought possible, because…well… getting to lvl 60 from 50 takes a fraking year, or maybe I’m just slow…but anyways I think this is pretty exciting, considering that once you've hit lvl 50 all there is to do is:
 R&D (if you’re smart and patient to get items you will likely never use)
Borg missions to get you higher lvl gear and Borg toys (if you’re smart, you collected all the parts to basically have a Borg ship, but you’re also a shut-in because to get lvl 12 gear is like… impossible in those missions)
PVP (if you hate other players and just want to let some steam out), Dilithium missions (for the insane)
Dyson Sphere missions (if you just want to die repeatedly)
And finally what most of us do, play DABO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (for the people who need to gamble, but don’t want to use real money).
                Explore the brave new worlds of mind dumbingly archaic killing of other players, mind dumbingly monotonous mining, mind numbingly long missions, and mind numblingly  dumb R&D to do: I DON’T WANT TO USE ALL THESE MATERIALS TO CREATE SOMETHING THAT I CAN JUST BUY IN THE EXCHANGE!!!!!!
New features I do like about the game:
New Delta Quadrant missions with Tuvok and many others, new content (soon to hopefully include) Talaxian uniforms!
Dyson Sphere missions… even though they’re extremely hard and sometimes drag on
The Fleet Admiral thing, because… STUFF!
So if you don’t play Star Trek Online, and you’re not convinced yet, take it from a shut in like me, you absolutely owe it to yourself to play the free version (which is like any free to play game, lvl 15 or so) and if you don’t like it by then, you obviously don’t like Star Trek because there is no difference between them!!!!!!
Best wishes, see ya out there Star Trek Fans
Resistance is Futile

Word Count: 405