
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Sick Day 2/ Learn to Fly walkthrough

Hello Nerds!
Today’s second installment from my sick ridden computer room will entail my personal strategy for Learn to fly 2.  I realize that some of you don’t like my breakthroughs, and for that I apologize, but it’s really the best I can do while fighting this bug. Here. WE. GO.
My strategy for flight on Learn To Fly 2 is simple – start a game long enough to earn bonus points, these are earned from achieving accolades in the game (such as longest flight, or highest flier) in which I first recommend you spend on your incline for the iceberg from which you thrust yourself off of. Then you can start a new game or continue from where you are it doesn't matter really, I just like to earn the height achievement to have more starting money. After that, I would invest all of my money into making the iceberg higher, then sleds and gliders, then boosts. You don’t have to spend any money on payloads, as you aren't really smashing anything yet.
Try to get as many achievements as you can, they give great money bonuses, which you should buy boosts with (or fuel for boosts). Once you buy a bobsled, then you should invest in your boosts, given that you have the second glider, you don’t need the 800 dollar one. Once you get enough money, and you've bought the bobsled, but the super light weight glider for 7500, and then the boost rocket that cost 9500 that’s also one shot, this combo has proven to get me the most money per turn.
Once you rack up bonus points get the omega designs, and once you have bought those in the bonus store, invest further points in lightweight-ness from the store, also fuel boost, money boost, and gravity.
You will get great results with this match up, especially with the omega gear on your side. I cant type anymore right now, I’ll get back to you later gamers!

Resistance is Futile: 333

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