
Friday, April 24, 2015

I finally have GTA V

Hello Gamers!
As I said earlier this week, I finally got GTA V, and I have to tell you that I absolutely love it.
I’d been waiting for this since it came out for pre order on Steam. And after many days of debugging my hard drive, scraping up as much space as I could get my hands on for the total sixty flipping 60000 Kb for the game. But I can tell you, it was worth it. There is nothing more hilarious of driving down a street as Franklin and being able to turn on your special ability to ram the very unsuspecting car coming toward you. I haven’t gotten to play much of this game, so this might not be my only post as of yet, this blog is mainly to alarm you to the future posts I plan to write about my shenanigans.
I guess I will talk a bit about the game, so if you want to experience it for yourself, go do that, but I’m just assuming everybody on the planet with a pulse has it now. I enjoyed how the game thrust you immediately into the story, I can’t speak for the games, but this was an intense opener. From robing a joint to well… robbing a joint, you won’t get bored or tired in the first ten minutes of the game. One of the many nice things about the game is how smoothly the camera handles, there is no calibration tech work to be done in the options before you can play properly, it glides like your mouse, both perfectly in sync.
The cars are fantastic in the physics, how they recoil once you smash it into a wall, and the best part is that you can flip them when they get stuck, where as you could not in earlier games (I hear).
The camera is another good thing going for the game, it follows you, and without it making very hard angles where you can’t see where you’re going, or who you’re trying to hit. I have every confidence that it will be a fine game once I get into it more, and I think I'll plan on converting some fun things to do. For instance I might talk about mount Chilliad or perhaps crashing plains into the freeway.I would usually recommend this game to anybody but add it is everyone shuts already have it so, it would be like telling you to get your flu vaccine after you had already gotten sick.
Resistance is Futile
Word Count: 424

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