Saturday, April 4, 2015

End of Week Blog/ Catch up

Hello Gamers
Today’s blog will be a little bit short, but it’s because I’ve run out of content for the week so far, so I’d like to just have a relaxing chat at you. I promise soon I shall have a gaming controller, so I can start playing more console oriented games like the Lego series I haven’t played in a while, including Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham. I will also be looking for new internet games that I find noteworthy.  After my vacation I’ve discovered that I may be relying on bad days for blogging, as I like to bike in nicer whether. If blogs seem to not be coming at their usual unusual time, it’s because I think that the week will be too good to be cooped up in my office staring at a computer screen.
I hope you’ve enjoyed my other blogs this week, and we’ll see ya soon
Resistance is Futile

Word Count: 159

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes

Hello Gamers!

Today I’ll talk about Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes.

In this game you return as billionaire Bruce Wayne, and alongside Robin and Superman you thwart the Jokers schemes and Luthor’s plots to overthrow Gotham. You play through stunning levels and great plot devices while achieving more and more characters, usually through gold bricks laid throughout Gotham. This game has a couple great features about it, first off- it’s big, I mean really big, I mean if you were to guide off of Wayne Towers towards the other edge of the map, Amusement mile it would take a good ten minutes, and that’s going pretty fast. Flying will get you there in about five minutes, if you’re quick. Another nice detail to the game is the villain unlock system, what happens when you want to unlock a villain, find a villain, fight him or her, and if you come out on top, you’ve earned the right to play as that character. This is a very nice way of unlocking them, apart from getting them from a level (which is moot because none of them are in many levels).

This game left a lot to be desired though, I found the other superheroes disappointing by just joining the game for the final three levels, and only having minor roles in the story. All you need the heroes for is to solve puzzles in the level. The game was big, but there didn’t seem like lots of story opportunities namely involving Gotham besides a building being exploded, and a climax chase in the streets. Nothing of that was spoiling anything if you haven’t played the game. Another point I’d like to raise is that I didn’t like how the villains were not used, or explained in the story. How did they appear in Gotham? Why they are there, and why stay? Was it Joker or Lex who brought them into Gotham like some Arkham City excuse? Whatever the answers, they aren’t in the game and I count that against them.

Quite honestly though, this game was very enjoyable, between its open world driving, flying, boating. And it’s ability to let your person fly, whether it be Superman or Sinestro, this game is worth the buy. The game is a very adequate follow up to the classic Lego Batman, and reflects the awesomeness of the producers of all Lego Games

Word Count: 401

Tips for Saving $$$

Hello Gamers!

I am now returned from break, and have great ideas for where this blog will go in the coming months, and I think I will start with something kind of new. I want to talk about my process for purchasing games, equipment, and other things a new gamer might need.

So first off, quite obviously one will need a way of playing the games he or she will be settling the national debt with by buying them. I would personally suggest the PlayStation gaming series, also I would suggest the Wii for our mini gamers, and the Computer to fall back on if your system should break down because you haven’t shut it down for fifty hours strait.

Second, I’d be nice if said gaming system had a way you could interact with it, as if the almighty gamer himself gave us the gift of transmitting what we want our game to do right into the box of some sort…Oh wait! It did! Via the game controller, mouse, or Creator given fingers we use on our Ds’s and Gameboys.

Now comes the hard part, which pertains to both of those above, and likely to those below, as well. This is learning to know what’s worth buying, and what can wait (or go onto your Christmas list for Santa). No matter what, people have different ideas than mine, and I know that but, you are reading my blog, so here we go. When considering buying something now that I’m more money conscience, I think about a couple of factors, one being “Will I use this for enough time to equate to cost, for our math geeks -(time spent on it)x + Initial cost = Yes or no, if the number comes up in the positives, then I move onto whether it will help me play the game I’ve already spent, or vice versa, will it provide another game for me to spend time on controller.

Next we have the “will I buy the game?” question. It really depends, often I won’t buy a game unless I’ve seen many hours of (hopefully) unspoiled gameplay. This I find has saved me more money than I can count sheep at night, just because I knew what it would be like once I bought it. This is not at all unlike visiting a College, you know you want to attend school there, it’s your dream college. You go with your parents, spend a day looking at the shiny campus, and WHAP, you realize you hate it there. If you thought you just wasted a day there, never going to get that time back, think about all of the money you will save by not going to a college you hate! That same college you hated just a minute ago, saved you a bunch of money.

It’s very important that we realize that if we do some simple research behind things BEFORE we buy, we’ll save lots of money.

One last trick before I wrap it up, one thing I will leave you with that pertains to all of this: borrowing. You’ve all passed kindergarten, and I assume you learned that “sharing is caring” and all of that propaganda, but I realize that it’s the type that will inevitably lead you to ask a friend if you can borrow his game, or his controller, or his whatever. Not only can you decide if you want to go make the investment of your money by trying it out for yourself, you may even be able to buy it off of your friend if he or she no longer uses it. If you’re really lucky you might get it for free!

All of these tips I give with my blessing, hopping that you’ll all save a little money out there, and keep on gaming with it.

Resistance is Futile

Word Count: 656
Btw: here is a site i've used in the past