Saturday, April 25, 2015

GTA V Tricks and fun things

Well, I’ve finally got GTA V, and I thought I’d let you in on some fun things to do while walking around Los Santos.
First fun thing to do with Franklin, who has the special ability of slow motion driving, is to go really fast down a street in a car, aiming for other cars. This is especially fun if you can get a car without adequate seatbelts so when on impact you go flying into other traffic. This is also fun if you use the invincibility cheat to keep yourself alive, otherwise you’re probably going to die in this stunt, costing you valuable money in-game. By the way, it’s a five thousand dollar bill to die in GTA V, thanks Obamacare.
Another fun thing to do, at least that I enjoy is to freak out someone walking on the streets with your car. What you do in this, is you drive as if you intend to hit and run, but with Franklin’s special ability you can swerve to miss at last second. This will prompt the computer running AI to make the pedestrian freak out and run, while this is a really dirty trick to do in rl, it’s perfectly fair game in GTA V.
When you’ve tired yourself with that, try to survive gas station explosions. What you need to do here, is first get a fast car, very fast. Then you get about a good half mile away from a gas station if possible, if not just far away to build up some speed. Then you just peel out and try to hit as fast as possible, if you need to, bail at last minute to see if you survive that instead.  I’m not sure if it’s possible to survive it or not, but it’s just so fun to do.
I hope to give you some tips on fun things to do with aircraft in the near future, as I have yet to go to the airport. And as always, if you have any requests on topics, or posts, comment and I’ll get to them.
Resistance is Futile

Word Count : 354

Friday, April 24, 2015

I finally have GTA V

Hello Gamers!
As I said earlier this week, I finally got GTA V, and I have to tell you that I absolutely love it.
I’d been waiting for this since it came out for pre order on Steam. And after many days of debugging my hard drive, scraping up as much space as I could get my hands on for the total sixty flipping 60000 Kb for the game. But I can tell you, it was worth it. There is nothing more hilarious of driving down a street as Franklin and being able to turn on your special ability to ram the very unsuspecting car coming toward you. I haven’t gotten to play much of this game, so this might not be my only post as of yet, this blog is mainly to alarm you to the future posts I plan to write about my shenanigans.
I guess I will talk a bit about the game, so if you want to experience it for yourself, go do that, but I’m just assuming everybody on the planet with a pulse has it now. I enjoyed how the game thrust you immediately into the story, I can’t speak for the games, but this was an intense opener. From robing a joint to well… robbing a joint, you won’t get bored or tired in the first ten minutes of the game. One of the many nice things about the game is how smoothly the camera handles, there is no calibration tech work to be done in the options before you can play properly, it glides like your mouse, both perfectly in sync.
The cars are fantastic in the physics, how they recoil once you smash it into a wall, and the best part is that you can flip them when they get stuck, where as you could not in earlier games (I hear).
The camera is another good thing going for the game, it follows you, and without it making very hard angles where you can’t see where you’re going, or who you’re trying to hit. I have every confidence that it will be a fine game once I get into it more, and I think I'll plan on converting some fun things to do. For instance I might talk about mount Chilliad or perhaps crashing plains into the freeway.I would usually recommend this game to anybody but add it is everyone shuts already have it so, it would be like telling you to get your flu vaccine after you had already gotten sick.
Resistance is Futile
Word Count: 424

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Mario Kart

Hello Gamers
Let’s talk about Mario Kart Wii, the best game that is guaranteed to ruin your friendships if you choose the rainbow level. In this great game you return as the Mario brothers and their friends to race across the universe in head to head competition…to not get hit by the fracking blue shell the least. This game is awesome for the casual get togethers with friends, parties, and any other social forum where you want to show off your road rage skilzz.
This is a great game for variety and choice. You can choose motorcycles, carts, and cars. All have the same basic speed, but they all handle very differently. The motorcycle is my favorite choice, because of the maneuverability and what seems like a better turn rate than the cart or car.
You also have choice in what person you drive as, you can play from Mario or Luigi to Bowser or Wario. The choices are limitless.
Maps in the game are also very cool because of their hidden variety. Many maps have secret paths or ways to beat your opponent. Not to mention the weapons you could get from the boxes laid across the map. With a large assortment of possibilities including speed boosts to your vehicle, bananas to slip up your enemies, or simple shells to throw at your enemies.
I like this game because it was one that I had a passion for beating. For many weeks every night for about an hour and a half before bed I’d get on and play for completion, filling out my “driver’s license” by placing first in almost all of the races. It was my theory that if you always stuck close to the insides of turns (therefor going the shortest distance) and also staying in second until the final remaining seconds of the race then suddenly using everything I could to get the other driver off the road and winning the race. It was a great idea, and won me lots of races. Another way I did this was hoping for a shell weapon and saving it for when I got to second, and using it just before the finish line. This strategy kept me from being hit by blue shells all the time.
I’d really recommend this game to anyone who had roadrage they want  to take out in a safe environment.
Resistance is Futile.

Word Count: 402

Space Engineers

Hello Gamers!
Some of you have heard of Space Engineers, some of you haven’t. It’s a game like Minecraft with modern graphics, and that takes place in a foreign solar system where you, the engineer have freedom find a ship (if you need to fix it is dependent on the ship) fly it around and land on different bodies in the area.
However, this game looks very boring to me, and is a reason I didn’t buy it for myself. I mean no offense (of course), but I just don’t see the game’s appeal. It’s like an adventure by yourself and it’s just too Minecrafty for my taste. At least in Minecraft you have chickens for friends.
The only appeal I can see to the game is that you can fly in a space ship, and if you like to be dangerous, add a meteor shower to your simulation. In this mode you can set the environment to create meteors to shoot down from above toward your spawn point, giving you little chance to dodge, find and potentially fix a ship, and get your astromech out of there.
This game costs $25 on Steam download, and I can understand the price, great textures, physics, and interactive flight engines. I just couldn’t see myself investing that much after checking out Nerd3 playing it.
Now keep in mind, this was a while ago, maybe it’s gotten better by now? Maybe they’ve added in a story type arch in the open world sandbox like the famous Ender’s Portal in Minecraft. And if there is, well all I can hope for is that it’s good enough for me to want to invest $25 into it.
Until then, I’ll keep to my Snow biome thank you.
Resistance is Futile

Word Count 297