Sunday, December 28, 2014

Computer Games

Hello Gamers!
I buy most of my games via my computer. I am admittedly a pc gamer, and not much of a console gamer- but I’ll explain why.
I’m not saying that I like computer gaming more than console- oh no. I grew up on a Playstation 2, and later graduated to playing on my friends’ Xbox in their basement.
But alas, I can only play pc games because well, that’s all I own and the friends moved out, taking their Xbox with them... Some friends right?
So today I want to share my method of buying games for said pc.
First, I like to see what the game is about, unless I know that it will be good no matter what (like an Arkham Game, or a Lego Game). Sometimes this involves categories such as action, mystery, or just sandbox.
Secondly, if I’m not sure I like it, I will try to find a spoiler free review, either from a friend, or just from the internets.
And finally, I look for it on Steam, or Origin, two programs on my computer that is essentially a library of games old and new.
It’s like the history of all of gaming, too, in that both have games that aren’t in the store anymore, or are just unpopular.
They are like the treasure trove of modern and old pc gaming alike, and I believe you can even buy games for other systems and have them shipped to your house.
I stumbled upon Origin about two years ago, when looking for a copy of Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 (very good game buy the way). The search brought me to Gamestop, where the clerk told me that I could find what I was looking for online.
Thus my Origin account was born.
Only a year later, I stumbled on Steam, brought on by a conversation with my mentor of sorts, when he asked me if I’d used it. When I told him that I didn’t use it for my pc gaming, he recommended that I check it out.
I did, love it, and here we are now.
Both are websites on the internet, and also programs that you can download to your computer, like I said they both hold hundreds of games, and now to the point I really had in mind when starting this blog: pricing and handling. I’ve also done a blog on Steam, so if you haven’t read that one go check it out now, and as for Origin it’s basically the same as Origin except it has a different name and you get more EA based games shoved in your face.
This is okay however as Red Alert Three was an EA game, so I’ll give them credit there.
Well that’s it for tonight gamers, see ya next time
Resistance is Futile

Word Count: 477

Steam Discussion

Hello Gamers!
Let's talk about Steam
No, not that stuff in your glass, that's condensation
And no, not the vapor produced when you plunge something on fire into water then hides it because it was valuable in an attempt to not get in trouble, not that kind either.
Today we're talking about Steam, God's gift to games...or at least to me.
This all started about two years ago when a friend of mine asked me if I'd used Steam for gaming, I said no of course and he recommended that I check it out; I did and feel in love instantly.
So what is Steam?
I've been living under a rock for the last several years and need to know you say, well Steam is a virtual library of games, filled of games you could never imagine, games from your childhood and before up to the most recent virtual wonderlands we inhabit today.
All via the internet (steam's website, or the program onyour computer) can we now access games at the click of a button, and at very moderate prices compared to stores such as Walmart and Target. Probably having to do with the nonexistent costs for shipping (since you download the product), product wrapping and storing and labor involved.
I’ve used steam for two years now, and have several games, all of which I go on daily almost. The games are addictive, and so I keep coming back for more. Steam offers us one more reason to stay in our homes, to keep our bottles of pee locked in with us, not going outside to do anything. Steam is my preferred choice for shopping for games. It's fast, efficient (considering that I can search by categories unlike in stores), like I said cost efficient, and I can access all of the games I own in one convenient little hub.
Steam is a great product for those with an affinity for neatness, as well as those who just like to game. You can browse the games you are considering, talk to your friends, read reviews, look at pictures and videos. Suffice it to say it is Paradise for gamers, and I’d highly recommend that when you are done reading this blog that you go out and buy all the Steam games you can afford. As always keep gaming, and I’ll see ya next time.
Resistance is Futile

Word Count: 401

Red Alert Three

Hello Gamers!
Today I've come to blog about Red Alert Three.
Red Alert Three is a game part of the Command and Conquer series, and my favorite one I've ever played (granted I've only played one other and that one was Red Alert Two).
But anyways like all video games there are some problems that I have with the game.
First off: in the game there are three factions: the Soviets, the Allies, and the Empire of the Rising Sun.
My problem is that all three factions seem equally equipt. They all have a sizable Amy, navy, air force, and base technology.Not one faction has a weakness big enough to make the game interesting.
Secondly, the missions are tough don't get me wrong, but some of them were a little too difficult. One that comes to mind I'd a mission, where you must create a base, defend your base from constant attack AND DESTROY A HULKING MONSTROSITY OF JAPANESE INGENUITY!!!!! Somehow I managed to get through the level, but only on easy mode, and with some help from the wiki.
The game follows a scenario of how the world would be like if Einstein was killed before lecturing in Brussels at the international physics convention in 1924. The game then shows you how the world might have turned out, factions at war with one another with tech more and less advanced than today’s, the less advanced being there are no atom bombs.
Note that I really loved this game, and I know that I sound like Conan when he says that every night's show was a good one, but this game really was for its time.
The graphics were stunning, the plot was better than most movies today, and the gameplay was very smooth. It's hands down my favorite game of all time. The replay value wasn't too shabby either.
Well gamers that's it for now.
See ya later
Resistance is Futile

Word Count: 375

Sunday, December 21, 2014

How To Play a Game

Hello Gamers!

Let's talk about games. Not critiquing games, but talking about them.
Specifically: When you’re playing through them.

I personally like to have around me before I start a game these following items:

A drink of some type (can be water, juice, soda, all depends on what time it is)

My headphones (sometimes I wear them around my neck as they are foam and fit around my ear, I like to let the ears breath) with volume control *if you do not own a pair of headphones that has its own volume control, you do not know luxury sir.

(Sorry to get sidetracked here, but if you are a girl, sir applies to you as well, hundreds of years ago "sir" was applied to both as a symbol of status, so if you get offended that's just you...being a baby)

I also like to have my phone, should I need a little break that I don't want to leave my room for, checking up on email and Facebook and such.

I also have my chalkboard nearby, which is handy for when the game has little puzzles for you to solve. I can just write down what the game tells me, and don't have to remember jack.

Those things were some of the many that you may or may not have with you, but I'll list some more just so we can get through this faster. Here. We. GO!

Clothes *they are optional, as long as you have your door closed or are home alone*
Manuals for the game you are playing
YouTube on your phone to see walkthroughs
Cheats *who said cheaters never prosper?*
Snacks (if you can't or more correctly WONT get up and go ten steps to your kitchen to get them yourself, but hey, I’m a minimalist, too. I won't Mike Judge. *insert laugh*
And finally Glasses for those of us who can't see bullocks, anyway. 

All of these things will seriously change up your experience, and maybe even your gameplay.

Remember Gamers: DON’T play naked if you have a window your neighbors can see through, it won’t look pretty, and you might not be play ‘in games for a while.
Resistance is Futile

Word Count: 369

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Skyrim review... *shudders*

Let’s talk about Skyrim.
I think this is a perfect game
… For me to rip a new one into the fabric of gaming.
Yes, I don’t care what you say about Skyrim I will forever hate it.
“What do you hate about it Leif?” You might ask, well many things make me want to find every copy of this game and destroy them, but I’ll start out with the big ones.
I find the opening scene far too long, and the story is honestly boring.
It’s at least five to ten minutes, three of which you’re sitting in a cart, unable to move your body or your head. I found this very claustrophobic and annoying.
Once you get out of the cart, you get even more dialogue. To the point I actually fell asleep playing the game.
Well… on with the show… critique… whatever
First, as said before, the cinematic trailer was far too long, and a bit expositional. Expositional to me, is when a character’s interactions seem forced, artificial. Sometimes it’s not, and just feels that way, but that still means that the player will probably fall asleep when listening.
Secondly, one of the best parts of MMOs is the feature to truly customize your character. In Skyrim I felt more like I was filling out a lab report: bored. The customizations are all the same, and literally do nothing for your character’s appearance.
Thirdly, I think the game’s beginning missions were good, but again I nearly fell asleep when I was trying to get there. Maybe it’s just me but it took far too long to get anywhere on that game. In Star Wars the Old Republic, another MMO there was a speeder bike system that whisked you away at many times the speed of walking. In Skyrim you get a horse.
That’s what Skyrim really needed, just dress it up as a dragon, or a magical elf or whatever you want it to be, you’ve obviously put lots of thought into this game.
Fourthly, when I first played this game, I loved it, but the thing was I didn’t know how to do anything. There was no tutorial, no hint, and especially no way to find where you’re going. There was no arrow on your compass, there was just lots of icons to different things that I had no idea what they belonged to.
Finally, I found the weight system stunning! Absolutely brilliant! Except I had no idea what it meant since there was no penalty for going over that I could see.
Actually, I lied, there is just one more thing. NCP’s are way too overpowered! I put on GODMODE and it took me about a day and a half to defeat THREE ENEMIES holding shields.
So that ends my rant, and I hope that you take your Christmas money, go to Best Buy, and DON’T BY THIS GAME. Happy Holidays.
And don’t forget:
Resistance is Futile
Word Count: 564
There was one awesome moment in the game, when I hit a friendly, and she responded “Don’t do that again!” and I thought “I wonder if that’s just looped in” so I tried it again, and she killed me. I then was taken to the hospital for busted gut syndrome.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Need for Speed (and a hospital)

Hello Gamers!
Today’s game review will be about Need for Speed: Most Wanted.
This is by far one of the most hilarious games I’ve ever played.
I only say this because I have a hobby, and that is trying to get the police cars to do ridiculously funny things trying to arrest me.
Sometimes this will be smashing into each other
Either way, I bust a gut just watching them topple over hilarious things to get to me; sometimes even causing more trouble than I think I’m worth.
There are some issues I have with the game however.
First, you’re an immortal god, which while it is funny, is sometimes unrealistic. I personally chalk this up as a positive part of the game, but you can take it either way.
Secondly (and these from now on are bad), when cop cars are after you, and you get “busted” there are no repercussions at all. There should be some sort of point value taken away from you when you are busted. It’s similar to Grand Theft Auto five when you die; you just walk out of the hospital Scott free.
Thirdly, the map
I love the map, and I find only one issue with it, and those are fall zones. You can find incredible amounts of places where you just fall off the earth. While this is funny from time to time, during a race it’s really pissing annoying, too.
Fourthly, the cars
There are a wide variety of cars, but I’ve noticed that they all basically handle the same, just at different speeds. You could have ludicrous speed and still have the same handling as if you were going ten miles an hour.
Fifthly, and this kind of goes with number 1, your character doesn’t die from the horrible things you can smash into. What I mean is: you can smash sideways into a wall going over two hundred miles an hour, and your character will simply shake it off… but I suppose if it were more real YOU WOULD NEVER DRIVE AGAIN ANYWAY…
Well, that does it for this critique, see ya next time gamers
Resistance is Futile

Word Count: 361

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Etiquette for Gamers

Hello Gamers!
I’ve so enjoyed my time with this new topic.
But today I’d like to try something different.
Well…kind of,
I’ve done it in the past, but instead of movies, or book reading, this etiquette list is about gaming, specifically MMO’s.
When you play a game that is also a multiplayer, I think there ought to be some ground rules. Rules that are unwritten rules, that everyone should use to not be a jerk.
First off, let’s talk about item drops.
If you were the one to kill the enemy- YOU should get the items, so to everybody that up and steals items from kills that were not yours, not only are you an inconsiderate prick, you’re dishonor will inevitably be your downfall.
So to recap, only take items that belong to you.
Second, the group item share.
This is when an item is picked up by one person in a group of players. The item is then offered to all said group players in (usually) three options:
Pass (meaning you don’t  want the item)
Greed  (which tells the computer “hey, I’d like it, but no biggy if I don’t get it)
Finally what every dick player chooses (if he doesn’t talk about it with his group first, or didn’t make the kill) Need (telling the computer “Hey, I really would like this item, could ya give it to me?”)
And it’s fine to pick “Need”, but I think it’s polite to ask first. It doesn’t have to be a lifetime achievement awards for godssakes.
Just a “Hey guys, anyone Need the item?” Short. Simple. To the point. Hell, I’ve seen it expressed even simpler than that. Just “Need?” will work.
Third, the epic mission dropouts.
There are usually some missions in any game that take longer because they have blah blah blah whatever. They are simply long missions, and we love them, but what we don’t like is when your group gets about halfway through  and you see this little message:
DevonPrickfinger@73882: hey guys. ttyl”… ignore hyperlink I think my computer thinks I’m writing out an email address… comp fail.
But what kind of a jerk leaves half way through? I mean, you showed up, agreed to help out and then you just ditch the group… great.
I especially hate you if you’re a character who’s level is greater than the rest of the group’s levels combined, and leaves us to a mission with same level enemies…
Well, those are my three biggest pet peeves about gaming, and I hope that if you do any of these things, you knock. It. Off. Now.
And as always Gamers

Resistance is Futile.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Batman Arkham Origins Review

Hello Gamers!
Today I’ll be critiquing Batman: Arkham Origins!
Now this game was a great game, full of awesome action, amazing animation, and astonishing amended acts that the voice cast accomplishes affluently.
They not only capture the heart and soul of their roles, but they also sound like they should. What I mean by this is, the characters sound young. Sure you know that they’re young because it tells you so, but it also helps to have a convincingly sounded voice cast working with you.
Now, while I certainly enjoyed my time punching my way through this game, it (as everything does,) had some issues.
First off, I thought the use of another voice actor to play Bruce Wayne was okay, but the person they used was not. He wasn’t Kevin. He wasn’t Bale, thank god, but he was no Kevin. He was scary, but not Conroy scary.
The game was short, also. Previous games have been known for their long story line, and side quests, but this game was severely short in comparison to Asylum, or City.
The plot in itself was genius. Hell, it was marvelous. But because it was short, a feeling shared amongst friends of mine who’ve played the game, I couldn’t help feeling left out. I wanted more. In City, at the end, Batman comes back, stating that there was more to do. This is how I felt at the end of city… but it didn’t happen.
There were many characters that were included, but some only had cameos, and others brief boss battles.
There was no cliff hanger, besides Strange talking about Asylum. There was no Batman saying a final word. There was just a Christmas carol, and the game was over.
Sure you can go out and find all of the Riddler packs, or even brawl your brains out in the fighting simulator to gain accolades.
But all of this is just fat, that I as a gamer tend to cut off. I will occasionally bite into some fat, when tired of the meat.
Not often do I play through a game more than once, but I definitely have played through this one more than once, enjoying it every time.
But who’s to say that I’ve played because of the short plot.
Maybe it’s a good thing, that it is short.
Maybe, the Canadian’s intended it to be short so that you could replay it over and over again, compared to the last games in which it might have taken several weeks to get it done.
I’ll wrap this one up with this, no matter how bad this game was, it was WB Montreal’s first game, so I’ll cut them SOME slack… but let’s hope that the next game will be better.
From all of me have a great week gamers
Resistance is Futile
Word Count: 475