Are you
Today is the day I talk
about Prison Architect!!!!!
Now you may wonder why
it’s called Prison Architect, well you’d be right to ask!
Prison Architect is a
very fun, very complex game about what it would be like to run a prison. You
are in charge of designing your prison, hiring staff, making sure prisoners are
fed by hiring cooks, make sure they can shower, and sleep, and have free time,
and the list goes on and on.
You literally get
dropped out in the middle of nowhere, with eight workers, and some supplies to
begin your journey to becoming the greatest prison owner/operator your
prisoners have ever known.
You can get grants for
completing little tasks, which I’d highly recommend for beginning a new game,
as some grants give you up to thirty thousand dollars! These tasks are pretty
easy, too. The “administration” grant just says to hire a warden, research finance
and psychology, and have two office rooms. It’s not a lot, trust me. Others might
include building a med centre, or a kitchen.
Once you begin, I’d recommend
getting an office built first, with the exception of some paving stone so that
your workers can move faster getting to where they need to be.
After creating your
first office, hire a warden to research whatever you need.
Build then a utilities
room for power and water, making a kitchen and canteen, and a holding cell for
incoming prisoners.
Once that is done, you
can build showers, or start off on building your cells.
In this game, as it is
in FTL, the pause button is your life, use it.
Plan out lots of things
ahead of time, so that no time is wasted, you want to have your prisoners be
happy so they don’t revolt against you.
My policy on prison
guards is having as many as you need, no more. This is usually about ten for
your first 16 prisoners. Prisoners will arrive every twenty-four hours, and
they come in eights. You can of course elect to stop the receiving of prisoners,
given that you didn’t click the “continuous prisoners” box in the beginning.
Once you have a few
prisoners, I’d recommend lengthening the free time in exchange for fewer
lockups, I think this will make the prisoners more happy but I haven’t absolutely
cheeked that fact.
I've also found that
once you have the basic tier one workers researched you can research grounds
keeping and janitors that will really help your prison look better. You can
assign prisoners to do this job, once you've researched the “prison labor” box.
Don’t forget to build a staff room for your workers who get tired, they don’t have to be big as only
about three or four get tired at a time (given
your prison is small). Workers such as your warden will not research
anything if tired.
Lastly, don’t be afraid
to try different layouts, make your prison unique.
We’ll see ya later
Resistance is Futile
Word Count: 507