Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Introduction / Expertiese Levels

On Being a Nerd

Hello Nerds!

            A good place to begin for the blog I think, would be to look at exactly what a nerd is; this should clear up some mess about how the definition I use will definitely be different from yours.

A nerd is (defined by Merriam- Webster’s online dictionary http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nerd) “a person who behaves awkwardly around other people and usually has unstylish clothes, hair, etc.” To be clear, that is the one that I choose to use, and you may as well, but everyone will have a different view of what a nerd is and looks like, positive or negative.  As a nerd, I believe it is my job to be open to new things, and reserve the right to my own interpretation of said content.

            My intentions on what to talk about does not follow that guideline, however. My intention is to talk about things that society may or may not consider “nerdy”, which could be DC Universe, Marvel Universe, Star Trek, Star Wars, and Doctor Who. This is what I shall be focusing on in the following weeks for content. Here….We….Go.

            I believe there are many levels of “nerdom”, and like any activity, you are better the longer you devote yourself. There are first what all of the experienced nerds have probably used once or twice in their life: Noobs. These people are either brand new to the concept, or very close to new. Once you graduate from being a noob, you go to an “established learner”, which just means that you know a little bit of your topic, but you wouldn’t be someone to go to for help understanding the concept quite yet. After you pass that level, you are a “master”, you’ve mastered your topic, but are always learning. Now we come to the final level of expertise: Expert, where you not only know about your trade, but you can explain it to people clearly and thoroughly, and you’re still learning more.  

            Hopefully you can fit yourself into one of these categories, as they were very generic. There are no set levels, and most of them are simply how you feel about yourself. Most of the time no-one knows how good or well versed you are in your area of study, unless you compete against one another; and even then it’s hard to know unless the topic you are both quizzed at is something you both are into. Competitions are also hard because most of the time, both competitors are equally matched, just in different subcategories of the area of the quiz, meaning one big draw. I rather think of life as a nerd as knowing some things, that you want to know, so gathered with many other nerds there would be one large collective knowledge among all.

Word count: 470

            Remember: Resistance is Futile

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