Sunday, April 12, 2015

Star Wars the Complete Saga

Hello Gamers!
Today I’d like to talk about Star Wars the complete saga!
The Complete saga is a mesh of the two before it, into one huge massive di-trilogy game, where anything is possible. Have the Emperor save himself from Count Dooku? Sure! Have Luke send his father on the path to becoming Lord Vader? Have at it. Not only can you have characters from different trilogies, you can have space battles and world battles with vehicles. This was the really cool part, not to mention every room had a special secret thing you could do in the center. Also, the outside of Mos Eisley never looked better! Large areas to mess around with, lawn mowers to move around with, and most importantly: the Legoville simulator located in the extra file. You can play as anyone, and go through a large scale town and blow things up, build things, destroy things, do whatever you like!
This game is by far my favorite game, from the characters to the advanced graphics; everything is awesome in this Lego world. 
When you’ve had enough messing about, you can always do fun, little extra missions like hide and seek, or I believe there were hunt missions available too, where you find a character in a level, then try to stop them any means necessary.
This is truly the ultimate game for those of you who love Star Wars games, and have a nostalgia for the older generation of gaming.
Resistance is Futile

Word Count 251

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